"You won't look back with any regrets."
My husband's words came across with such a gentle and comforting tone. He knows me well enough to know when my soul is unsettled.
Sometimes I lose my focus. Sometimes I forget the purposes to which God had called me. I begin to look around at what seems like a "better, easier life." I get so caught up in the daily grind of motherhood that I feel the overwhelming desire to jump ship and change the entire course that has been set before me.
"You won't look back with any regrets," he said. "You will never regret the choice to be home with our children, nurturing them and educating them. You won't look back and wish you would have done anything differently. This is a short season. Don't give up."
I don't know how I got so blessed in the husband department, but those were exactly the words I needed to hear that day and everyday since then. He never offered me the easy way out. He offered me the encouragement I needed to continue. With no regrets.
"For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!" ~1 Corinthians 4:10 (NLT)
Fellow mamas, as Mother's Day approaches, remember our true encouragement does not come from the pacifying words of others that will momentarily appease our ever-changing emotions. Our encouragement comes from gentle, gospel-based truths rooted in a Biblical worldview with the end goal of glorifying Christ in all things.
So, if you're looking around with waves tossing around you, ready to jump ship don't.
You won't regret it.