FYI, today's forecast: A mix if clouds and sun with a slight chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. High 84F. Winds SSE at 10-15 mph. Chance of rain 30%.
May 23, 2008
Friday Forecast
Well, it finally happened. I spotted a New Orleans "celebrity." Ever since moving here, I've been keeping my eye out for someone famous. I had hoped it would be Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie, but no such luck... yet :) But this morning, I spotted "New Orleans #1 rated weather personality" at Royal Blend Coffee and Tea House, the coffee shop near my office. I walked in to purchase my beverage of choice, the Cafe Au Lait, and sitting right there in front of me, enjoying his breakfast, was no other than my favorite Fox 8 meteorologist, Bob Breck! No, I didn't rush up to shake his hand or ask him about the impending hurricane season or tell him how I think that his delivery of the weather is hilarious or even that I have a friend who does an awesome impression of him. Nope, I was just happy to see him outside of my 20" flat screen for a change :)