I love weddings. Being a newlywed myself I can still remember all of the excitement and anticipation and nervousness and pure bliss of standing before God and man and joining myself with the love of my life... aahhh... ok, enough sap. What I'm trying to tell you is that Kevin performed his first wedding on Saturday! The bride was his cousin so it was really special for him. And he did such a great job! He was nervous, of course, but it didn't show once he got up there and found his groove. I was so proud! Sorry for the blurry picture. I couldn't get the settings right for the lighting. Below are some more pics from the wedding.
The bride and groom with their ringbearer, the dog! That was a first for me!
Kevin and I

Donovan (Kevin's cousin) with his daughter and neice

Donovan's daughter Talia and cousin Mika

Donovan's newest daughter Jael (I finally got a pic!) Isn't she the cutest?!

Baby Ava, another beautiful cousin. (Notice all the girls in Kevin's family. I'm thinking our chances of having a girl are pretty good :)
Kevin will be doing his second wedding this coming Friday. He's on a roll! (haha)