The countdown until D-Day begins!
Silas' furry friends are awaiting his arrival!
FYI, I'm officially unemployed! My last day at the office was actually Tuesday, Feb. 3rd. I was suppossed to be there until today (Fri.), but my body was screaming for rest so I called it an early retirement (haha). I'm really glad I did because I've been able to get some much-needed rest these past couple of days, which has really improved my mental and emotional state. I may actually be ready to bring a baby home! Kevin and I visited the doctor on Wed. and there's not much going on yet. Our next visit is Wed. of next week if nothing happens before then. In the meantime, I'm learning how all these baby gadgets work and reading a book on healthy sleep habits that was recommended to be by a friend. I'm also getting some much-needed cleaning done because there won't be much time for that when Silas gets here. Stay tuned!