1. I need to get back to regular blogging so as not to have #6 happen again.
2. I'm on my fifth load of laundry for the day. I've been setting daily housekeeping goals for myself (very SMALL goals) so that I can feel somewhat accomplished at the end of the day. Today's goal was laundry. I'm one set of towels away from accomplishing my goal- yay!
3. Silas is on his second long nap of the day. (This is probably why I'm almost done with laundry.)
4. We have steaks in the fridge that have been marinating for over 24 hours. My mouth waters every time I think of them. I can't wait for Kevin to plop those babies on the grill this evening!
5. Silas, poor baby, has a cold. It's his second one since birth. The first time around he only had a stuffy nose, but this time around he has a cough too. The first time around he let me pump his nose out with no protest, and he even smiled when I sprayed Little Noses up his nostrils. This time around his eyes start twitching and his hands start flying when anything that slightly resembles a tissue, a nasal aspirator, or a bottle of nasal spray comes within 5 feet of him. It's kinda funny, actually. And it's definitely a sign of development so I'm not complaining. I am, however, hoping that he feels better really soon.6. Things that I failed to blog about when they hapened:
- Silas' first night sleeping away from home was June 24th (the day before our move to Lockport). Silas stayed with Mimi and Pop so Momma and Papa could finish packing up the NOBTS apartment. Silas did fine; Momma cried (haha)
- June 25th was our first night in our Lockport apartment. Weeks later, we still have boxes to unpack. *sigh*
- June 26th was the day I convinced myself that having a two-story apartment = not having to join the gym = saving money (because who needs the Stair Master when you have the real thing at home?!)
- Kevin's ordination service was Sunday, June 28th. It was an awesome service and we're so thankful for the tremendous support shown by cherished friends and family.

Our family with the ordination council
Also, my Dad turned 55 on this day. The cake was just a friendly reminder :-)
- July 3rd was Silas' first night in his big boy crib! He loves his new place! Thanks, Pop, for helping us set it up!7. I started my first blog book using blurb! It's called My First Pregnancy, and I'm SUPER excited about it! I'm HORRIBLE with keeping a paper journal so I'm SO glad I documented a lot of my pregnancy experience via my blog. After I finish this book, I plan on creating a book of Silas' first year using my blog posts. Yippee! (It doesn't take much to excite me these days (haha).
8. Silas is awake...