Aug 6, 2009

Two "first" things Happened

(1) Remember the other day when I mentioned that it would be hard to document the when of Silas sitting up because it was such a gradual process? Well, yesterday Silas proved me wrong. Although he had been sitting up on his own, we were the ones sitting him up so that he could sit up (are you with me?) But yesterday my little baby sat up all by himself! He was on his belly playing with his toys and the next thing I know he was in the sitting position! I grabbed my camera and documented the whole process happening again, but, as my luck would have it, I accidentally deleted the video!! *argh* I did get another video of him sitting up again this morning, but it doesn't catch the actual act of him sitting up very well. It does, however, get him cheering himself on for reaching this milestone. Enjoy!

(2) I knew it was bound to happen. We had 5 1/2 months of poop-free baths... until yesterday, that is! Little booger got a little too relaxed in the tub and soon a yellowish-brown substance began floating to the top. Uuuh, WWJD? I remembered how Jesus had washed the disciples feet, I gained my composure, and knew what I had to do. Yes, I AM a MOM now. And, of course, this was approximately 1 hour before church on Wednesday night. Thank God Kevin was home so that I could proceed to disinfect the contaminated area, all the while trying to look on the bright side- the tub needed a good cleaning anyway.

P.S. You should be happy that I also accidentally deleted the picture of the yellowish-brown substance in the tub.

Proud Momma,


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