Well, we finally made it out to Lockport Bayouside Park! I've been wanting to take Silas to the park for some strolling, swinging, and people watching, but with the weather being either extremely HOT or extremely WET, we haven't found a good time to go. Until today... the sky was overcast this afternoon and there was a little breeze so I decided that we'd take advantage of it and go out to explore the park. I'm so thankful that we live close to this park because I think we'll be making plenty more trips out there once Fall rolls around. There were plenty kids to watch (one of Silas' favorite activities), there was a great walking/strolling track, and Silas was able to try out the swings for the first time! Needless to say, he loved it! He supported himself so well and smiled he whole time. We had a lot of fun.
Silas loves watching other kids play

Ready to try this swinging thing for myself...

I think I like this Momma

Yeah, I definitely like this!