Sep 7, 2009

Labor Day 2009

As you will see from the pictures below, our Labor Day turned out to be a rainy day, but we enjoyed it nonetheless! We spent the day with Kevin's parents on the Westbank of New Orleans. We enjoyed time with Maw-Maw, Paw-Paw, Auntie Sherma, and Cousins Divine and Kamile.
Papa wanted Silas to experience the rain for the first time...
Silas and Papa in the rain

Silas loved playing in the rain!

Momma had a towel ready when the fun was over

Family Pic... Silas was not cooperating

Divine, Me, Silas, and Kamile all dry and playing on the floor

We had a great day, making the most of a rainy day!

Hope you had a good one too!


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