Mar 21, 2010

Sunday with Silas

Sunday afternoon. Mama trying to cook dinner. Accidentally leaves the dishwasher open. In strolls Silas. Grabs Mama's coffee cup out of the dishwasher and drops it on the floor. Coffee cup shatters. Mama tries to clean up the mess while wrangling Silas so that he doesn't step on broken coffee cup. Fast forward to two minutes after coffee cup clean up. Silas trying to climb Mama's leg while Mama is trying to pepper the soup. Mama drops the pepper shaker. Pepper shaker shatters. Mama tries to clean up the mess while wrangling Silas so that he doesn't step on the broken pepper shaker. Wait, wasn't Mama just doing that two minutes ago? Mama is tired of cleaning and wrangling Silas. The end.

Brought to you by the letters S-I-L-A- and S.


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