Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day! We sure did!
Here's a quick rundown of our day (well, mostly Silas' day & mostly in pictures):
Silas and Mimi feeding John Paul Jones (the fish) his breakfast...
Silas getting as close as possible to the fish... and I didn't get a pic of Silas sticking his hand in the water, but, as you may have guessed, Curious George had to at least TRY to touch little JPJ.
Silas and Mimi fish watching...
John Paul Jones is happy to have survived Silas! haha!
Trampoline time with Pop...
I think Pop is captivated...
Lovin' the trampoline...
Lovin' the water puddles...
Time for a bike ride!
Nothing like a cold Popsicle on a hot day!
My Hubs, the awesome BBQ'er...
What a great Memorial Day! Time for bed!