Since coming back from our trip I’ve been able to finish up the Right from the Start video series offered by Family Life. The tag line for the series reads, “a biblical approach to early childhood discipline.” Yes, please! I’ll take that! I would encourage you to click the link above and consider watching this series if you have toddlers or are nearing toddlerhood! It’ll be well worth your time!
Now that we’re nearing the 18-month mark, I’ve been much more aware of the urgency to seek out much-needed wisdom for this new stage of more intense training with Silas. Kevin and I had been watching the video series together, but our schedules got a little hectic so I decided to finish up the videos by myself last week and just relay the highlights to Kevin. After all, while Kevin and I both share in the responsibility of training Silas, it goes without saying that I spend the majority of my time with him so preparation is extra important for me.
While it would be convenient to excuse, ignore, or even give in to unwanted behavior with Silas, it’s not what I’ve been called to do as his mother. I have been called to train him, even at this early age. And that requires putting my own interests aside and looking to the interests of Silas (Phil. 2:4). I like that Barbara Rainey calls this stage the “Training Twos” instead of the “Terrible Twos.” She mentions that it’s simply a very intense time of parenting that requires careful planning, communication, and consistency. This gave me a better perspective on this particular season. I’ve since determined to stay positive in my efforts to instruct Silas in the ways of righteousness.
I gleaned so much from this study, and I look forward to sharing my insights with you as I put my learning into practice. I know this stuff is much easier said than done, so I'm continually praying for strength and wisdom! If any of you seasoned moms out there have wisdom to share, please do! You can leave a comment here, Facebook me, or shoot me an email. Let’s learn together!
“The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child who gets his own way brings shame to his mother.” ~Proverbs 29:15