Ah, it's been a rough couple of days. It all started Sunday night when Silas started complaining that his mouth hurt. We had experienced some low-grade fevers, nasty poops, and a runny nose in the last week, so I naturally assumed that it was teething- probably the 2-year molars. I surveyed his mouth and didn't see anything unusual nor did I see symptoms anywhere else on his body so I just went with the teething diagnosis. Well, as the week went on, the fussiness and irritability reached at an all-time high. Silas was refusing to eat and even crying when he sucked his pacifier. His sleep patters were also becoming erratic. I was at my wits end so I finally made a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Come to find out, Silas had contracted a virus that causes ulcers in the mouth. Silas' ulcers were concentrated in the very back of his throat so I was unable to see them. As the doctor began explaining the other symptoms, everything started making sense. I felt really bad for not taking him in sooner, but in reality, even if I had, there's really nothing that can be done for the virus except give pain meds, which I had already tried. Thankfully this virus only lasts 4-5 days so Silas was near recovery by the time we saw the doctor. Today has been MUCH better, and I think we're finally getting our happy toddler back. I'm hoping we can make it through the rest of the winter without any more weird sicknesses!
On the road to recovery,