Feb 12, 2012

Valentine's Day - An "Especially" Day

Our family has not established concrete traditions for holidays yet. I imagine as the boys get older we'll begin to discover what things are most meaningful to them and what things are most representative of the mission of our family. In the meantime, we're kind of testing the waters to see if anything sticks! We're mainly focused on simplicity at this point. With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I've been thinking of simple (keyword here) ways to make that day special for Kevin and the boys. Some may argue that I shouldn't waste my time focusing on a holiday that celebrates "love" when every day should celebrate "love." I argue like Noel Piper in her book Treasuring God in Our Traditions, that we need "especially" days. And, although we don't have specific Valentine's Day traditions for our family yet, I know that in our home I want to make Valentine's Day one of those "especially" days.

An Excerpt from Treasuring God in Our Traditions, by Noel Piper

“No!” our college friend squawked. “All days are not the same!  God knows we need ‘especially.’”

He’d heard it once too often, somebody pontificating, “Every day should be Mother’s Day,” or “Every day should be as significant as Christmas.”

God knows we need ‘especially’ – that was a new thought to me back then.  And it’s true.  God himself appointed special days, such as Passover, for his people and gave them ceremonies to set those days off from the others (Ex 12:1-20).  December 25, for example, could pass like any other day in our week, except for the thought and preparation we give to it and the customs and traditions that surround it.  

The ceremony of a special day keeps it from slipping away like an ordinary day. We stop and recognize the specialness of an event in large part because of the traditions in which it’s wrapped.

Our “especially” celebrations anchor us and our children in the harbor of our family, reflecting our true refuge – God.  The way we observe these occasions – the focus of our observation – has great potential to show our children what we think is most important and to help them value what we hold most dear.  
Of course, the benefits are not just for the children.  Our celebrations work good in our own lives and in other people whose lives touch ours, by rekindling our love of God, by increasing our knowledge of Him, and by helping us remember who God is and how He works.” 

~Noel Piper

What are your thoughts about Valentine's Day? Do you have any family traditions?

I'd love to hear from you!


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