Sep 3, 2012

Monday Musing: Labor Day Edition

Labor Day Celebration
After a long week of Hurricane madness, I'm ready to get back into the swing of things this week. Our routines were disrupted long enough that I'm actually craving them again. I'm ready to start a fresh week and a fresh season with a fresh perspective. 

September is a transition month for me. It bridges my summer debriefing and my fall planning. I look forward to those transition times within the year because I feel like they offer invitations for a fresh start, whether it's a change of routine or a shift in mental focus.
Last week after our power was restored I sat at my computer and edited my list of personal goals, as well as our daily and weekly routines. I completely ditched the schedule we followed over the summer because, honestly, we've already outgrown it. The needs of our family are different than they were just three short months ago. With two small children in our care, the rhythm of our lives changes very often. And unless we're intentional about keeping up, we tend to live in default mode instead of on purpose
So I'm celebrating this Labor Day looking over our Family Mission Statement, and praying that God would guide my planning and preparation for the next few months ahead.

How are you spending your Labor Day?


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