Over the years different products have emerged as my personal favorites, and I find myself making recommendations based on my own experiences. Every mom has her own personal list of must-have items, and I'm certain many moms would have lists that look very different from mine.
I think it's fun to compare favorites, and I love hearing from other moms what they have had success with. Every baby is different and so is every mom.
I'd love to hear what your must-have baby items are!
Here are mine...
{1} Pack 'N Play - Our pack n' play has survived 6 years, 3 babies, and lots of overnight trips. The version we have has a changing table and diaper/wipes storage attached so it's perfect for setting up in our bedroom after baby arrives. Our babies typically stay in the pack 'n play for 3-4 months after birth just for convenience sake.
{2} Pre-fold Cloth Diapers (Used as Burp Cloths) - With all the drool and spit up that comes with newborn babies, having a good stock of burp cloths is a must. I've found white cloth diapers to be perfect for the job of cleaning mouth messes. With Ezra we stuck with white because they can easily be bleached to get rid of stains.
{3} aden + anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets - These swaddling blankets are very lightweight, a great size for swaddling, and super soft. Aside from some homemade swaddling blankets that I received from an Aunt, these are my go-to blankets for swaddling.
{4} Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child - This is by far the best book on infant sleep that I've read (and I've read plenty!). I've referenced this book with all three of my boys and have seen very similar sleeping problems/patterns emerge at different ages and stages. This book doesn't promise any magic solutions, but instead gives research-based information about how babies sleep and helps parents to ensure that they and their babies get the best sleep possible. The author also talks a lot about how to deal with high needs/fussy babies, which was/is extremely helpful to me personally.
{5} Gas Relief Drops -Speaking of high needs/fussy babies, my babies were all tortured with gas for the first few months of their lives. Gas drops are not the ultimate problem solver, but they do help to break up the bubbles that can form from gasping for air while crying or from inhaling too much air when feeding. I used gas drops LIBERALLY with all of my babies to bring relief to their sensitive little bellies.
{6} Hava Baby Sling - Babywearing is all the rage these days. While I'm not a fanatic about it, I do find it extremely helpful to wear my babies in public for the first few months-- not only because it's comforting for them, but also to keep them from exposure to too many germs that may cause sickness. I've tried different types of carriers, but I've always come back to my Hava ring sling. It's lightweight, easy to put on, and keeps baby as snug as a bug in a rug. It also has a super thick shoulder pad, which makes it way more comfortable than other ring slings I've tried.
{7} Zip Up Sleepers - Who wants to fumble around with snaps and buttons in the middle of the night, right?! Zippers are definitely the way to go! We had a variety of different sleepers with our other boys, but Kevin insisted that Ezra strictly wear zipper sleepers at bedtime if he was going to take any part in nighttime duties. So, of course, I stocked up, and unless we have a laundry crisis you'll mostly find Ezra in a zipper sleeper at bedtime,
What are your favorites for newborns age 0-3 months? What would I find on your list?