First stop—South Lafourche Baptist Church in Cut Off, LA—For those who don’t know, Kevin has been supply preaching at this little bayou church for the past few months. He preached his first Easter sermon on Sunday and did a great job (...and I’m not being bias...the church members thought so too). I’m so proud of him!
Second stop—Peltier Park in Thibodaux, LA—After church we met my family and some close

Third Stop—Nicholls BCM—The reason for meeting in Thibodaux on Easter in the first place was to see my brothers off on their weeklong mission trip to Mexico with their college ministry. I am so proud of them too! I can't wait to see their pictures and hear their stories!
Fourth Stop—Jury Duty—Monday morning found me sitting in the jury pool again waiting...waiting... waiting... questioned...and then PICKED to be on a jury! For a two-week trial! Imagine my joy when I found out that I would have to be in court every day for the next two weeks! Imagine my boss’s joy! (Haha)
Fifth Stop—Serrano’s—Monday night was a going away dinner for one of my good friends at the seminary. Her husband is about to graduate as a military chaplain so they will be moving to Virginia at the end of the week. We enjoyed great fellowship over some Mexican food and wished her farewell. She and her family be greatly missed (this is Lil’ Dave’s mom, by the way... he just turned 2 and his sister, Isabella, is 5 months...she and I share a birthday :)
Sixth Stop—Back to jury duty—Tuesday morning found me at the courthouse AGAIN, this time as an official juror! I had braced myself for the long haul and even gotten up early that morning to get some work done at the office before heading to city hall (I figured I would have to do this for the next two weeks to keep up with my “real job”). So after waiting.... waiting.... waiting, the judge finally brought us in to the courtroom and we all sat in our official juror chairs with all the lawyers and spectators watching. I felt really important—for about two minutes! No longer than we sat down, the judge informed us that she had decided that neither the plaintiff nor the defendant was properly prepared for the trial and that our service was no longer needed! Are you kidding me?! All that waiting for nothing! And I had finally gotten excited about experiencing a real life trial. So anyway, as of yesterday my jury duty is officially over.
Seventh Stop—My desk at work—So here I am...back to the grind. Hope you enjoyed the recap.