Over halfway through the workweek and, I must say, I feel pretty accomplished! Monday was laundry day by default...basically we had no more clean clothes to wear! As you can see “our hamper runneth over.” Amazingly, I worked up enough energy to complete 8 loads in the washer (yes, I said EIGHT) and 5 in the dryer (the rest we air dried to prevent shrinkage--see picture below).

As you can see, I also put the treadmill to good use on Monday evening!
Calories burned on the treadmill: 0
Calories burned walking up and down the stairs doing laundry: had to be at least 500! Right? *smile*

Tuesday I finally got my teeth cleaned and dodged a “suggested” x-ray, saving us some money at the dentist office. Check out my clean teeth!

Last night I stayed up past my bedtime to help my hubby with a paper. We sat at the kitchen table burning the midnight oil, but it was worth it to be able to help Kevin during one of his busiest times of the semester.
And on top of all that, I actually managed to get dinner on the table every night! I’m becoming quite the Proverbs 31 woman! *haha* (just kidding... I have such a looong way to go!)