Jun 23, 2008

6 Weeks

The queasy feeling has definitely arrived just as my doctor predicted. Thankfully, it’s not that bad, and I haven’t vomited (sorry for using that word :) yet, but this constant feeling of an unsettled stomach really makes mealtime difficult. Kevin has been wonderful. Saturday morning I slept in a little later than usual, and when I got up, I felt good enough to make us a late breakfast, but by the time lunch/diner came around I just couldn’t bring myself to deal with food. Kevin kindly pulled my slack and made a wonderful meal for us—his famous chicken, lentils, and rice. At first I told him that I didn’t think I would be able to eat it, but after the smell hit my nostrils, my belly began crying out for it. It was so good :) Thanks, baby!

Car Update: The SUV got an oil change on Saturday and is getting new tires today. We’re doing our best to take care of the SUV considering it’s our only mode of transportation at the moment. The Lancer is still dead in the parking lot, but we’re hoping to tow her to South Lafourche on Saturday. A few men at the church who know about cars have offered to take a look at her and hopefully fix her. I pray that they’re able to help.


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