On June 11, 2008, I found out.... that I’m going to be a mommy!! I’m still in awe! This was the first cycle that Kevin and I had even planned for pregnancy, and I was so sure that is was going to take much longer to conceive. So when I started feeling crampy at the beginning of the week, I attributed it to the onset of another cycle (aka no baby). Then on Tuesday I began to feel a strange tightness in my stomach like I have never felt before. Something felt different, but I tried to convince myself it was just all in my head because I didn’t want to get my hopes up. But just to ease my mind I stopped by Walgreen's on my way home from work and bought a pregnancy test. I was going to take it right away, but a friend of mine told me that the morning is the best time to take a test. So I waited it out, and Wednesday morning I woke up at 5:45 AM really needing to pee. I figured time was of the essence so I fumbled around for the test and took aim (this was a little difficult at 5:45 AM, but I somehow managed). Not 5 seconds later I saw a (+)
sigh appearing. I had to wipe my eyes and look again because it was so unbelievable! After staring at the test for about a minute I was finally convinced that yes, I AM PREGNANT! I can’t tell you the flood of emotions that ran through my body in that moment. I began to think of a creative way to tell Kevin, but there just was no way I could hold the news in. So I got back in bed, cuddled up next to him, and whispered in his ear, “You’re going to be a daddy.” “Huh!?” he said startled, “Are you serious!?” It was the best moment ever. At this point we were both wide-awake so we began talking about all that this means for us. We are so excited and feel so unworthy of this great blessing that that was give to us by God. Please pray with us for a healthy baby Celestin!
The funny part about this story is that I had scheduled my annual gyno appointment months ago, and it just so happened that the appointment was scheduled on the afternoon of the day that took the pregnancy test! So I’ve already has a very early prenatal visit! My doctor and I just laughed at the coincidence. I’m scheduled for another visit at the beginning of July. I’ll get my first sonogram at that visit, and Kevin will be with me. I can’t wait!

The funny part about this story is that I had scheduled my annual gyno appointment months ago, and it just so happened that the appointment was scheduled on the afternoon of the day that took the pregnancy test! So I’ve already has a very early prenatal visit! My doctor and I just laughed at the coincidence. I’m scheduled for another visit at the beginning of July. I’ll get my first sonogram at that visit, and Kevin will be with me. I can’t wait!
“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” ~Psalm 127:3