Aug 21, 2008

Grab a Cup of Coffee (decaf, of course)

So here’s the recap of the past couple of weeks:

8/5-Remember my hubby made a delicious and romantic dinner for me? I know I already wrote about that, but it’s worth repeating (hehe)

8/6-Kevin and I attended the wedding rehearsal and rehearsal diner for some very good friends of ours from college; Kevin was the officiant at the wedding (his second one in two weeks!).

8/7-My sister had minor surgery, and she did great! Love you, Tutz!

8/8-Yes, this was the night of the Olympic Opening Ceremonies, but it was also the night of our friends’ wedding so we missed the opening ceremonies, and had a blast at the wedding. Kevin did a great job officiating the wedding, and the bride and groom were adorable. After the ceremony, we hit the reception and danced the night away. I was feeling really good. I don’t think I’ve ever danced that much at a wedding!

Important Side Note: Little did I know that all the while I was dancing and laughing, my insides were preparing their attack on me. I don’t know if it was SOMETHING I ate at the wedding or something I contracted from SOMEONE at the wedding, but my body was NOT happy come Sunday morning.

8/9-We slept in and spent the day at home. I was still in the dark about the planned attack.

8/10 (Sunday)-I never want to relive this day. I woke up feeling like I had heightened morning sickness. It had been a while since I had felt that bad, but I figured it was just going to be one of those days. I figured I needed to put something in my stomach to ease the nausea so we stopped at a gas station on the way to church where I picked up an apple juice and some trail mix (I don’t think I’ll be having either of those again ANYTIME soon). We got to church, and I tried really hard to ignore the awful feeling in my stomach, but before the song service ended, I had loosed the gates of Hades. Trail mix, apple juice, and EVERYTHING else that had dared to hang around in my stomach now found a new home in the sewers of South Lafourche. I thought the worse was over, but no sooner than Kevin said amen at the end of the service, I was back in the bathroom for round two. I felt SO bad. A couple from the church was having us over for lunch so I tried to pull it together, still thinking that it was REALLY bad morning sickness. I had a piece of garlic bread, a tablespoon of beans, and a tablespoon of potato salad for lunch. No sooner than I took my last bite, I was again kneeling before the great white throne. This went on ALL afternoon until I was throwing up the bile at the bottom of my stomach. I couldn’t even keep water down. I finally called the on call doctor at Ochsner who suggested that I come in for an evaluation. Kevin had gone to church for the night service, so he had to come back early to pick me up and bring me to the hospital. We headed to Ochsner where I was admitted to labor and delivery. On the way there, I called my mom who informed me that my brother and his girlfriend were experiencing the same symptoms as I was (we had all gone to the wedding Friday night-Picture of them below). This shed a whole new light on things. When I got to the hospital the nurse immediately checked the baby’s heartbeat, which hadn’t skipped a beat. I was so relieved. The nurse soon discovered that I was EXTREMELY dehydrated-enough dehydrated that they kept me over night and pumped about 5-6 bags of fluid in me. They also gave me some nausea meds that helped me to sleep through the night (Kevin was such a trooper... he slept on the little roll out couch and didn't complain one second). The nurse said that I probably had some type of food poisoning, and that my body was just rejecting everything until it got the bacteria out. I was released from the hospital Monday morning after being able to keep water and crackers down. Thankfully, the baby is safe! They checked the heartbeat again before I left the hospital, and it was like music to my ears. The whole experience was so scary and horrible, and I was so worried that something would go wrong with the pregnancy, but God is good and His grace is amazing. I feel much better now! I have so much more to share, but this post is already WAY to long, so stay tuned...


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