Here are the pics I promised of our fall festivities!
My favorite peeps cleaning out their pumpkins in Sunshine Park.
Me and Silas cleaning out our pumpkin.
My pumpkin traced and ready to be carved. Can you see what it is?
I carved a friendly lion! Unfortunately he didn't last long before rotting outside my apartment door :(
The whole group with our carved pumpkins (L to R: Brittany, Eric, Sara, Me, Gavin, Dawn, Luke, Sarah).
After carving pumpkins, we headed to the corn maze. This is Kevin and I ready to enter the haunted section. I was just a little frightened to say the least.
After the corn maze we enjoyed the birthday cake that my brother Eric and his girlfriend Brittany made for me! It was a cake depicting of my all-time favorite candy- Mike & Ike's! They did a great job with it!
We had a a great day!