In family news, I had my 24-week prenatal appointment, which confirmed that me and my little boy are both healthy and growing. Kevin and I picked up a schedule of prenatal classes while we were at the clinic, and we hope to take some classes in December. The more education we have, the better! I'm also about to order a couple of parenting books that were recommended to us . Hopefully I can get some reading in before Silas makes his arrival. By the way, any book recommendations are welcomed- leave a comment! Like I said, Silas is definitely growing. He's about 13 1/2 inches now, and weighs about a pound and a half. And of course, this can only mean one thing for mommy- a bigger belly (my uterus is about the size of a soccer ball now). I must say, it's a cute belly and all (at least that's what I've been told), but the aches and pains of carrying it around are not too cute. I'm finally experiencing the restless nights, backaches, and sheer exhaustion from the simplest activities (aka walking up the stairs, shaving my legs, doing laundry.. just to name a few). But I wouldn't change a thing. I love having Silas with me all the time and feeling his little movements and experiencing his little personality. I love him more and more every day. Kevin is also getting to experience the pregnancy more now that Silas is more active. Silas loves his daddy's voice, especially when he reads to him.
Well, I didn't get to the highlight of October- pumpkin carving and our trip to the corn maze, but I promise to post pictures soon!