Side-note: We're going through so many transitions with Silas right now it's almost overwhelming. From rearranging a nap schedule, moving from formula to whole milk, moving from the bottle to a sippy cup, trying to set clear boundaries for a new found independence, tying to communicate and listen, mastering motor skills, separation anxiety, and the list goes on. This is why I take mini prayer breaks during the day and haven't written a significant blog post in almost a month. In all honesty, though, I feel sorry for little one-year olds. I'd be frustrated too if my body and mind were experiencing so many changes all at one time.
SO, Back to me trying to get Silas' plumbing up and running. Many recommended juice, and I really believe juice works, but we've had problems getting Silas to drink enough juice to make any noticeable difference. So my next remedy: fiber. And after doing a little research, I decided on fabulous FLAX Seeds! They are all-natural edible plant seeds (from the flax plant), highly nutritious, a good source of fiber, and can be added to just about food, including pancakes, one of Silas' favorite breakfasts!
So this morning I thought I'd give it a shot and add it to my pancake batter. I was uncertain of how much to add so I experimented with 1/4 c. to about 2 cups of pancake batter.
It made the batter look a little nutty, but it didn't effect the cooking of the pancake at all.

The pancakes were a little browner, but they tasted delicious. Kevin even thought they were better than usual.
And Silas... judge for yourself:
He shoveled them in just like he does every morning. And best of all, about an hour later we got the desired results! Yay! Thank you, flax seed!
And now back to our regularly scheduled activities...