Mar 9, 2010

New Look

In case you haven't noticed, I changed the look of the blog yet again. Sometimes a girl just needs a change of scenery. It's kinda like rearranging furniture. It just makes things feel fresh. Anyway, I like it. Thanks, Leelou!

Top news in Celestin family happenings- Silas survived his first virus! But not without taking out a few other family members along the way, including, but not limited to, his Mama, Papa, Mimi, Pop, and Nanny Sara. Yeah, that's what you get for loving on the cutest baby in the world when he has a virus. His Germs. But we all pulled together and survived. I'll spare you the gory details. Let's just say I did PLENTY of laundry, owe my parents BIG time, and now own stock in Gatorade.  Just kidding about the Gatorade, but you get the picture. 

Thankful things are back to normal,


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