Jul 12, 2010


"Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed." ~Proverbs 16:3

This is the verse that falls right under the heading on my "Weekly Planning Session" worksheet. It reminds me not only to COMMIT everything I do to the Lord, but also to actually PLAN for the work that I will ultimately commit to the Lord. One of the most crucial lessons that I'm learning as a new mom is the art of intentional planning. For way too long I "flew by the seat of my pants" in so many areas of home management. It wasn't so bad when it was just Kevin and I because our calendar, finances, mealtimes, etc. were WAY more flexible. But adding a child to the mix has sort of forced us to "fly" a little more intentionally.

But even now as I sit here and type, there's a part of me that's resistant to the more intentional lifestyle. Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me and tells me that planning sort of traps me or binds up my freedom for flexibility. Or it tells me that it's likely that things won't  go exactly as planned, so why even waste time putting a plan together in the first place? (the perfectionist side of me :) BUT, the consequences of failure to plan are slowly training my mind to think differently. Not knowing what's for dinner at 6pm, forgetting to pay a bill on time, missing an important appointment for lack of calendaring, not being able to have people over because the house is a wreck... can we say STRESS? Yeah, I learned the hard way. And baby step by baby step I'm making changes that are gradually easing the stress of home management and actually making our home a more joyful place. Cause if Mama's not happy, nobody's happy, right? :)

So what's got me thinking about this topic on a fine Monday morning? Well, we'll be hosting two extra little people in our home this week. Silas' cousins are going to be staying with us in order to attend Vacation Bible School at our church (which I will also be helping with). This means that I'll be Mama to THREE for the next few days. This means feeding five mouths instead of three. This means getting three little people ready for outings ON TIME instead of just one. This means planning activities that don't just cater to my one-year old. This means Mama needs a PLAN! So as the toddler takes his nap and before our guests arrive, that's just what I'll be doing. I've already got my menu plan and grocery list ready. Now it's on to creating somewhat of a daily routine and planning a couple of fun age-appropriate activities for everyone (1, 6 & 7). Suggestions are welcome!

Looking forward to busy but joy-filled week,


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