And now, eighteen months later, I find myself relying on that same grace and mercy that was extended to me during the early months of Silas' life. Because there is no guarantee that my next baby won't be sick or that I won't go through the same emotional issues that I did after Silas' birth. But one thing is for sure, I am certain that there is no trial too big for my God. I saw His great hands at work when Silas was born. And I am confident that He will provide everything that I need to be the Mom He has called me to be. He hasn't left me to myself yet. Praise His glorious name!
On a lighter note, I do have a few mommy tools in my belt this time around that I hope will help with Baby #2! For starters, I actually know how to change a diaper now! Haha :) And I know how to give baby baths. And I have ten plus soothing techniques that I can use at any moment to soothe a screaming baby! Remember the running water with Silas? I still have 75 minutes worth of running water on CD! The funny thing is that I still listen to it myself when I need a little Mommy time out! *laugh*
And now for a few details. I'm about only about 5 1/2 weeks pregnant so please pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy. I chose to tell people early on becasue I can't help but celebrate life no matter how many days the Lord has ordained for that life. I'm already experiencing some nausea, and it's no fun. I'm trying my best to stay rested, but toddlers are quite high maintenance, so we'll see how that goes! I haven't seen a doctor yet, but I have an eight week appointment for an ultrasound so I'm looking forward to that. I'm so excited to be blogging through another pregnancy, but, be encouraged, this time around I probably won't be posting pictures of fruit and vegetables! Hehe. I'm sure my focus will be more on some of the practical preparations of welcoming a second child into our family.
Thank you all for your love and support! Please keep our family in your prayers!