I'm not good at setting New Year's Resolutions. The few times that I have actually sat down and written resolutions for the upcoming year I've found that I've burnt out before the end of January. Sad, I know, but true. I think it's partly because it's overwhelming to set a bunch of major life-changing goals all at one time. It's not realistic to me. From my own personal experience, I know that I can usually just handle one major life-change at a time and that change has to broken down into itty bitty baby steps for it to actually bring about lasting change.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against goal-setting. I just prefer setting them on a smaller scale. Which is why I was totally inspired when I read my friend Micah's blog and she mentioned that she was participating in an online class called One Little Word. I clicked over to the One Little Word website just out of curiosity, but I left with a renewed excitement about 2011.
The idea is to choose one single word for the new year- "a word that I can focus on, mediate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life." It's not a GOAL per se, but instead one simple little WORD that, hopefully, will inspire me to pursue change in the New Year. It's like a theme for the year. I haven't decided whether or not I'll join the class. 2011 will be quite a busy year for me, and I don't know if I can commit to an actual class. But I can commit to choosing a word. Simple enough? I believe so.
Wanna know my word for the year?
Definition: Looking through; seeing clearly; the capacity to view things in their true relation of relative importance.
Perspective is basically a way of seeing. And in reality there are only two ways of seeing- the world's way and God's way. Lately the Lord has been showing me that I've been slowly adopting some worldly perspectives that are stealing my joy and contentment in Christ. My focus is slowly shifting inward instead of upward. My gaze is more often on the internal instead of on the eternal. I desperately need a new perspective this year, but not just any perspective, God's perspective. I want to take my blinders off and see the world through His eyes.
This year will bring some new challenges my way. In fact, I considered making my word for the year SURVIVAL. Haha :) But I know that survival will only be possible by keeping a clear focus and an ETERNAL, GOD-CENTERED PERSPECTIVE.
Stay tuned for more on my one little word.
Do you have a word for the year?