Mar 26, 2012

Dirty Socks & Empty Juice Cups

They say a woman's work is never done. 
Because housework and raising children are jobs that have no end. 
We all know the feeling. Just when you think all of the laundry in the house is cleaned and put away you find someone's dirty socks under a couch cushion. Or just when you think all of the dishes have been washed and put away you find that empty juice cup sitting on your nightstand.
It's just the way life is. 
And I know that, but sometimes I live like I don't
It's like I'm waiting for my job to end. I'm waiting to clock out for the day.
And when I realize I can't, I let little things like a dirty sock or an empty juice cup open the door for frustration and annoyance and a whole heap of other negative emotions that have no place in my heart.
Lately I've been struggling with contentment as a stay-at-home mom. I've been feeling like I'm in a vicious cycle that never ends. I'm washing the same clothes, cleaning up the same messes, speaking the same words of correction, witnessing the same meltdowns, wiping down the same toilet seat... you get the picture. 
Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. 
And no one is chiming in after breakfast to tell me how well I handled the toddler meltdown that occurred when I told him that we were out of juice. No one is stopping by to give me prizes for doing a record amount of laundry for the day. No one is peeking in to assure me that I made the right choice when I chose an hour of playing "animals" instead of an hour surfing the Internet. 
In fact, the exact opposite happens. I turn on a morning talk show after breakfast only to hear that pursuing a successful career will bring the ultimate satisfaction. I click through to read a mommy blog only to discover that not only does she get her laundry done every day, but she has a color-coded basket system, which she got for free using coupons, and she makes her own detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets to use on the above-mentioned laundry. I skim the latest mommy magazine only to come across an article informing me that I'm feeding my kids the wrong things for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and, of course, snack.
 And my mind begins to wander. Is there really a better "life" out there? Maybe I would be happier or more successful somewhere else? Am I missing something?  Or better yet, am I missing out on something? I begin to want to be anywhere  but here. Behind this sink. Washing that juice cup. 
And if I'm not careful, if I don't capture those thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:5) , I can have a few bad days weeks. 
And that's what's been happening lately. It's only March, and I seem to have lost my focus already. I've traded God's perspective for the world's, and I've failed to replace those negative thoughts with ones that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). I've seen those socks and that juice cup as a burden instead of a blessing. I've traded gratitude for grumbling (I Thessalonians 5:18, Philippians 2:14).

I can't close this blog post by announcing that I'm back on track. But I can close by announcing that I want to be back on track.

Have you every gotten off track? 

Have you ever lost your focus or perspective?

What things encouraged you to keep pursuing the life that God called for you to live?


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