Well, for the past couple of Octobers she has encouraged bloggers to join her in blogging every day in October- 31 days straight, on any topic they choose. I'm super inspired by this idea because I love a good challenge, especially a writing challenge. But let's face the music, it's pretty difficult for me to find time to blog 3 days out of the month, much less 31. But I really wanted to do something to challenge myself in October. So my wheels started turning...
...And I decided to do a 31 day kid photo challenge! Now, taking pictures of my kids everyday for 31 days is not really a challenge for me. If you follow me on Instagram, you've noticed. But that's partly the problem. These days I have more iphone photos of my kids than I do "real" camera photos. And I have a pretty nice DSLR camera that I need to make better use of. So why not motivate myself with a little photo challenge, right?!
Taken with my iphone, of course. |
I'm gonna try to have a picture to represent each "theme" by October 31st. I'd like to have a set of "themed" pictures for each of the boys. And, I figure if this challenge sees itself to the end, I can make some cute photo books for myself, and... {Spoiler alert to the grandparents} maybe even give them away as Christmas gifts!
Who knows? If this thing catches on, maybe I'll do it every October!
But let me not get ahead of myself. Baby steps, Beth. Baby steps.
By the way, would you like to join me? I'm gonna be posting my 31 Day Kid Photo pictures on my blog every Monday in October. If you have a blog, I challenge you to join me! And if you don't have a blog, maybe you could start a Facebook photo album to display your work.
And remember, "It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful." ~The Nester
Happy Shooting!