Apr 9, 2013

Build 'Em Up :: Remembering You (taking care of yourself as a mom)

I'm jumping in on a blogger link party called "Build 'Em Up" today. "Build 'Em Up"was started by four mom bloggers: Kelly, Erin, Jennifer, and Courtney who are committed to writing about the good in motherhood. Every other week there is a different topic to blog about relating to motherhood.
  Today's topic is all about how we take care of ourselves while caring for our children.

 For those first-time visitors, I'm glad you stopped by! If you'd like to find out a little bit more about me, click here!

Welcoming my firstborn son, Silas, into the world (February 2009).

When I became a mom in 2009, I had no idea how much my life would change. Sure, people had warned me, but there's nothing that can truly prepare you for taking on full responsibility for another life. And although the newborn months can take quite a toll, each season of childhood has it's unique challenges. Children of all ages need the focus and attention of their mothers on a daily basis. They need her time and her energy, her encouragement and her comfort. Meeting her children's needs is not an option for a mother, it's part of her God-given role in the family.

 Unfortunately, many moms, including myself can easily burn out by neglecting herself spiritually, physically, and mentally.

Welcoming my second born son, Liam, into the world (April 2011).

Personally, I know that if I neglect time in God's Word, it's easy to begin feeling discontent and discouraged in my role as a mom. Knowing that, I purpose to spend time in God's Word daily, as well as attend weekly or monthly women's Bible study groups to keep myself accountable spiritually. I've also been known to blast praise music in the house or to listen to a Christian sermon or podcast while folding laundry or washing dishes. On the days that I can't sit down and read, I can at least listen, right?! Another blessing to me lately has been reading through the book Desperate with a friend of mine. Spending quality time with other moms who have similar values and beliefs about motherhood is always a breath of fresh air.

My blessings
   Aside from tending to my spiritual life, another thing that has helped me to better take care of myself as a mom has been discovering my God-given personality and tapping in to who He created me to be.

 I am an introvert by nature, which means that I am energized by quiet and alone times. Knowing that, I try to carve out about 30-60 minutes of solitude each day. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but it's something I strive for because I know it'll give me the energy I need to get through the rest of the day. Usually this happens when Liam naps. I put a cartoon on for Silas and sneak away for a little quite. Occasionally, my husband Kevin will shove me out the door and tell me I have the afternoon to myself. I'm so thankful that he understands my need for alone time to!

My world

I have also discovered that I need to keep my mind engaged, or I will find myself slipping into a funk rapidly. In order to avoid those mommy blues, I try to make time for creativity and learning. Blogging has been my favorite creative outlet since becoming a mom. I love photography and writing, and blogging is a great way for me to combine the two. Not only does it allow me to store family memories, but it also enables me to connect with a community of other stay-at-home moms, be creative, and engage my mind in learning. 

It is such a priviledge to be able to spend my days with these two!
 After my second child, Liam, was born, I embarked on a journey to lose the baby weight. I joined Weight Watchers and successfully lost all of my baby weight and more! You can read more about my journey by clicking here. Taking time to focus on my health was one of the best decisions I ever made!

Thanks again for stopping by!

How do you take care of yourself as a mom? 

This post is also linked up with CSAHM's Parenting Link Up

CSAHM Parenting Button


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