Cousins at the Aquarium |
Listening to... the lawnmower. Kevin is hard at work alongside his trusty helper, Liam, who is currently obsessed with anything that has an engine.
Wondering...if you guys have any ideas for upcoming blog posts? I'm in the mood to write, and I need some inspiration!
Hoping... to find the motivation I need to lose the five pounds I've gained over the last few weeks. Menu planning is a step in the right direction, but Papa John's pizza at the aquarium is not.
Looking forward to... a good night's sleep. Keeping track of seven kids at the Audubon Aquarium is not for the faint of heart. We only lost one. And it was only for a minute. A nice lady brought her back. Don't judge.
Creating... a rough sketch of what I would like the rest of the week to look like. Our schedule has been unusually full for this time of year, and I'm having to be more organized with my time.
Reading... Heartfelt Discipline by Clay Clarkson.
Learning... that, contrary to popular belief, that technically children do not enter the world with a "blank slate." Clay Clarkson explains, "The Bible assumes that a child comes into life divinely open to the influences of his or her parents and teaches that, before birth, the slate is already written upon. To be specific, the child bears the marks of the Creator God on his or her soul-- the imago dei, the image of God. As a parent, you know intuitively that your child is not a blank disk. Rather, your child's mind is preformatted and already loaded with an infinitely complex program, ready-to-run out of the box, and just waiting for your instructions. It's not your responsibility to program your child, but rather to run the program that God has already put there."
Reminding myself... to be more proactive and intentional in the way I influence my children spiritually.
Praying... the words of Paul in Colossians 1:11, " ...that {I} will be strengthened with all his glorious power so {I} will have all the endurance and patience {I} need."
Happy Tuesday,