Oct 22, 2013

Tuesday's Thoughts {10/22/13}

My little monkeys at New Orleans City Park a couple of weeks ago.
Thankful for... another year of life! ....and also for all the birthday wishes last week! I appreciate all the wonderful people that God has put in my life these past 32 years-- y'all are awesome!

Listening to... an interview with Sally Clarkson on the Inspired to Action podcast. I could go on forever about how much Sally Clarkson has influenced me as a mom. If you haven't read any of her books, order one! You'll be blessed by it :) And definitely listen to the podcast to!

Wondering... how much of this Candy Corn Trail Mix I would mindlessly devour if I make it?

Hoping... to get to a local park soon with this awesome Fall Nature Hunt Printable!

Looking forward to... having this Stuffed Pepper Soup for dinner one night next week!

Creating... well, I will be creating these Easy 1-Cut Paper Stars for our little tabletop Christmas tree this year. Last year we made almost ALL of our Christmas tree ornaments, and it was a blast. I'm looking forward to doing the same this year!

Reading... Have a New Kid By Friday: How to Change Your Child's Attitude, Behavior, & Character in 5 Days. I was sold when I read this sentence, "Many moms in particular tell me they feel like slave dogs, doing whatever their kids want them to do. And they're exhausted by the end of the day." <-- Slave dog may sound a little extreme, but I'm listening, Dr. Leman!

Learning... that I am "the key to changing my child's thinking and actions" and that I need to "stand up and be a parent rather than a pushover." (That moment when Beth shamefully raises her hand in admission that she has most definitely been a pushover parent for way too long.)

Reminding myself... that another part of my responsibility as a parent is to help my children manage their feelings. This is one area that I continually fail in over and over again. The Girl Talkers have encouraged me to do much better in their latest article. Excerpt: "We must begin with example. From their earliest days, we can model self-control of our own emotions in our lives and in response to our child’s lack of self-control. So instead of panicking when they panic or getting angry when they scream, we demonstrate a self-controlled response to the situation."

Praying for...the wisdom to be a healthy authority in my children's lives, and also for the strength to have more control over my own emotions. Godly Parenting is impossible without you, Lord. 

What are you thinking about this Tuesday? :)


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