Dec 9, 2008

Thankful at 30!

30 weeks, that is! I have so much to be thankful for! So last I left you, Silas was about 2 pounds. Well now my little man is pushin' 3 pounds! (we won't talk about what his momma is pushin'... haha) And he's almost 16 inches long! He's definitely taking up more room now, and my belly is expanding to suit his ever growing needs. I'm feeling good, but becoming more and more aware that the end is near. I'm beginning to toss and turn at night in an effort to get comfortable. I'm surrounded by pillows, which Kevin so patiently puts up with. He also puts up with my mood swings, which have been at an all-time high lately. I've been really emotional and find myself crying for every little thing- the bad and the good! Pregnancy hormones are no joking matter!

So since I'm a little late with this update (ok, a lot late!), I figured I'd summarize the latest happenings with the things I've been thankful for these past 3 weeks (since the last update):

1. My 28 week visit went really well. My doctor went "down under" for the first time to check my cervix and everything looked good. Silas is not ready to come out yet!

2. Kevin's cousin's wife so graciously passed down a lot of her maternity clothes to me, along with a few baby items that she no longer needs for her little one. Thanks, Ebony!

3. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family! Kevin and I stayed with my parents from Thanksgiving Thursday to Sunday, and we really enjoyed catching up with everyone and relaxing. Some of our Thanksgiving break highlights were laughing with family, delicious food, badminton and bocce ball games, Christmas name-picking, a trip to the circus, and a girls-day-out at the outlet mall! (The latter didn't include Kevin, of course. He opted to go fishing instead.)

4. Kevin and I attended our first 2 prenatal classes! So far we've been educated on breastfeeding and delivery. We particularly enjoyed the breastfeeding class, which gave us a lot of insight on how to work together during the early stages of Silas' life. We have three more classes to take before Silas' arrival!

5. We've moved! We're no longer in our little one bedroom apartment! Thanks to our wonderful family (the Sedotal's and the Landry's) who came in last weekend to help us move, we're just about all settled in to our new place (a 2-bedrooom apartment, still on campus), and we're lovin' the extra space! And even better than having extra space, we are now owners of our own washer and dryer! And they are IN the apartment! I can't tell you how happy that makes me! Our family worked really hard to make the move as easy as possible for us, and we can't thank them enough. Thanks to them, I only have a few more boxes left to unpack. We're looking forward to putting our Christmas tree up this week!

Of course, I have so much more to be thankful for, but those were the highlights of the past few weeks. Continue to pray for Kevin as he finishes up his exams this week. This has been his hardest semester and he's done so well. I'm so proud of him!

Until next time!
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