I celebrated my 28th birthday yesterday, and it could not have been a more perfect day. Hot breakfast, bouquet of flowers, and homemade birthday card delivered to me by my wonderful husband and son in the morning... beautiful weather in the afternoon (thank you, Jesus!)... lunch with my mom, Silas, and a friend... shopping! (thanks for the gift card, Mom and Dad! I used up every last penny :-)... and finally, delicious dinner, an evening game of putt-putt golf, and latenight Starbucks with friends... aaahhhh, great day!
The highlight was definitely my Japanese Birthday Celebration though. I decided I wanted to have dinner at Ichiban (pronounced "itchy-bon") Japanese Steakhouse. It's new to our area and everyone's been giving it rave reviews. It was our first time there, and, for the record, it was every bit as good as I had been told it would be.
Well, not long after the waiter was informed that it was my birthday, I heard the sounds of a marching band making their way to our table...
First they put this birthday hat on me and took my picture (this is the original, by the way)....
Then they lit my Japaneses Birthday cake, which consisted of a pineapple boat topped with an orange...
All the while the drums and clapping and singing had all eyes on us...
There I am standing and clapping (as they had encouraged me to do) as the "band" sang the Japanese version of Happy Birthday... too bad they didn't let me keep that cool hat, huh? (Haha)
And here's the group that made it all possible!
Thanks, wonderful friends, for a great night of celebration!
P.S. After 28 years, I'm still not good at putt-putt golf, but Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks makes it all better!