A few days ago I had a brain dump. I desperately needed to clear my mind. So I started typing. Whatever popped into my head, I typed it. I wasn't concerned about sentences or structure. I wasn't concerned that I dumped "organize Silas' baby pictures" right on top of "be a more encouraging wife." Just whatever was in my mind, I dumped it. I was only concerned about getting all the "stuff" out.
Do you know that in just a few minutes I dumped over 100, yes, OVER ONE HUNDRED thoughts out of my mind? (No wonder I feel frazzled most days!) And I have no doubt I could have kept going. Some thoughts were related, some were not. Some were urgent, some were not so urgent. Some were idealistic, some were practical. Whatever the case, it all needed to come out! I needed to SEE what was in there so I could figure out what to DO with it all. I needed some perspective. I needed to be able to see the BIG things next to the little things so I could narrow down where my attention should be during this season of my life.
Friends, simply spending quality time with God is a difficult task when there's a toddler underfoot. (And I only have one!) And being an encouraging wife at the end of a long day is easier said than done. But in the grand scheme of things, these are the BIG things that need my attention right now. Yes, I would like to have all my pictures organized. Yes, I would like to start plowing through the long list of books that I'm dying to read. But, the fact is, those things can and must wait. I'm not saying that leisure time is not important. God knows I need a breather every now and then! What I AM saying is that I no longer need to be consumed with the little things. I need to focus my best energy and attention on the big things. I need to lay aside the good and keep striving for the BEST. What about you?
Oh, and by the way, my awesome preacher husband (who I'm trying to encourage more!) just finished a three-part sermon series called "God Deserves Your Best." I encourage you to listen to #2 in the series, "God Deserves Your Best Time." There's nothing like exhortation from God's Word to inspire you to action! This one did for me!