Jul 26, 2010

T-Minus 4 Hours...

...until we get picked up and taken to the airport. So why am I still awake? Pre-trip excitement? Nope, probably the Caramel Frappe from McDonald's that I slurped late this afternoon to revive myself in order to pack for an 8-day International trip with a toddler. But I'm happy to report that all laundry has been done, all dishes have been washed, all electronics have been charged, all bags have been packed, all humans have been cleaned, and all trash has been removed from our home. I feel accomplished. Thank you, Caramel Frappe!

On a gloomier note, I just checked the weather forecast, and it looks like thunderstorms tomorrow. In fact, they've already started here. Not the best weather for flying. Please keep us in your prayers as we travel.

I'm not sure what communication will be like once we hit the Island, but I'm hoping to post an occasional update either here or on Facebook. And don't worry Mom and Dad, we'll call when we get there!

I see another Caramel Frappe in my near future.


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