Remember that post a while back about planning? Well, I'm in serious planning mode now that VBS week is over and we're back to a family of three. It's finally hit me yesterday that in ONE WEEK we're headed on an International vacation with a toddler! I'll be doing a lot of serious self-talk in the next week. Ha! So yesterday I printed out all kinds of travel checklists, "traveling with children" tips, pre-departure to-do's, etc. to try to make sure I cover my bases and, hopefully, be as prepared as I can be in order to make this trip as stress-free as possible. Yesterday I...
- Created a folder which contains all our travel documents [passports, marriage license (I haven't changed my name on my passport yet), Silas' airplane tickets (we had to purchase his tickets separately, and they were delivered by mail), the travel itinerary, etc.]
- Made copies of all our travel documents to give to my Mom when we leave in case of emergency.
- Called the airline to clarify the baggage allowances, which will include a stroller, car seat, and pack 'n play.
- Called my Mom to see if we could borrow a duffel bag to hold the prior-mentioned pack 'n play in order to save ourselves $100! (I'm so glad I called the airline!).
- Lugged the luggage out of the back of Silas' closet and made sure that (1) we had enough, and (2) they were ready for packing.
- Created a meal plan for the week to include leftovers and other ingredients that may go bad before we get back.
- Grocery shopped for the basics for the week.
- Begin a Master packing list, which will double as a shopping list for items that we need to purchase before departure.
- Begin a list of outfits for Silas and I, which will hopefully cut down on excess clothes packing (I've been known to over-pack!)
I'm still working on my plan for the rest of the days leading up to our departure. I figure baby steps is the way to go- little by little every day.
Oh yeah, and somewhere in the midst of all the planning (Thursday, to be exact) I get to celebrate 4 wonderful years of marriage with my awesome Husband! What an exciting time!
Hoping to stay on task,