For those who haven't heard, similar to my 13th week of pregnancy with Silas, I had an overnight stay in labor and delivery this week. Why? I needed to get re-hydrated after two days of intense nausea and vomiting- the kind where you can't keep anything down and you lose four pounds in 2 days. I thought it was a virus at first, but the doc said it was a peak in pregnancy hormones (human chorionic gonadotropin or hCH to be exact). It's a good hormone as far as the baby is concerned, but mama's body ain't so happy with it right now.
The good news is that I'm hydrated and home and feeling a little better. The morning sickness is still lingering, but I don't feel like I have a stomach flu anymore. I'm 12 weeks pregnant now so things SHOULD be calming down soon as far as the nausea is concerned. Prayers are still appreciated :-)
I'll close with a photo album of my birthday celebration, which included family time and pumpkin carving/painting. Enjoy!
(Click here to see more photos in the album.) |