I'm glad to have my own set of Ninja turtles to protect us from bad guys. |
Thankful for... the fact that I'm up and at 'em before the boys this morning. It always helps to get a head start on the day and the boys!
Listening to... Be Still My Soul by Chris Rice via my Christian instrumental station on Pandora. Piano music warms my soul.
Wondering... what the scale is going to read when I weigh-in on Thursday. I've had a ravenous appetite this week, and having Valentine's Day candy and birthday cupcakes around doesn't help the situation. Not to mention a date night and a girl's night in the mix. I see a week of serious tracking in my near future.
Hoping... that someone volunteers to come over and fold my laundry. Maybe I should call that "wishful thinking." Hehe.
Looking forward to... the women's conference I'm attending this weekend at my parent's church. I'm ready for a little pouring into.
Creating... a recipe book on the Plan to Eat website. I'm test driving this website right now to see if it'll change my life like I'm expecting it to. More on my experience in a future post!
Reading... Desperate: Hope for the Mom who Needs to Breathe. I got a little off track, but I should finish it this week.
Learning... the importance of a routine during the day, especially with two rambunctious boys. Every fiber in my body wants to "wing it" most days, but that just doesn't seem to be working for us right now. And my sanity is at stake.
Reminding myself... that I only have one more day left of Silas being three years old. I need to soak it up like a sponge.
Praying... for the discipline to be a more intentional mom. Time is passing by so quickly, and I want to make the most of it.
Hope your Tuesday is a thoughtful one :)