Several months ago, as I was studying the book of
Philippians, I began to feel nudged to pray about adding another child to our
family. I told Kevin about it, and he agreed to pray with me. Kevin has always
been very open to having more children, but has left the bulk of that decision
to me, as I am the one whose body has to endure the aches and pains of
pregnancy. Kevin had also just started pursuing his Doctor of Ministry degree, which prompted us
to pray all the more about a third pregnancy. And, of course, there’s also the
fact that we already have two active boys to chase after these days!
After a couple of weeks of praying, Kevin and I talked about
it again. We both felt that we were being asked to trust God and move forward
with adding another family member. Honestly, it was a huge relief for me. Paul’s words in Philippians 4 kept popping into
my mind as I wrestled with the decision. I felt like I was being pushed to a new level
of trust in the Lord. I never heard the
Lord promise to take away the extreme morning sickness, the painful delivery,
or the exhausting newborn stage. I never
got a word from Him that round three would be easier than the first two. But what
I did hear was that no matter what the circumstance, He was asking me to “practice
these thing” (Philippians 4:9). The peace of God doesn't come in the knowing,
it comes in the practicing. It comes in the rejoicing always (Philippians 4:4), the gentle spirit
(Philippians 4:5), the swapping of anxiety for gratefulness
(Philippians 4:6), the attitude of prayer (Philippians
4:6), the mind set on things above (Philippians 4:8). There may not be a
prescription for to remove my physical pain, but there is a prescription to sustain
my inner peace as evidenced from Philippians 4.
So, of course, we got right to work.
The Monday after Easter I took a second pregnancy test, and
the second test confirmed the first. A few days later I took a third, and
nothing had changed. More signs and symptoms continued to confirm that presence
of new life in my womb as the days went on.
Kevin and I are overjoyed to say the least. I am a little over 7 weeks in, but we’re choosing to tell early just like we did with Silas and Liam. Regardless
of God’s plans for this new baby, we feel urged to celebrate life even in this
critical, early stage. That being said, we’re asking for prayer for both baby and
Mama as we move on into some pretty intense fetal development and morning
So far life has gone on as normal. The morning sickness has been minimal, which I am very grateful for. I'll be updating tomorrow with more details about I've been feeling.
We let family in on the big news for Liam’s third birthday party the weekend after Easter. Everyone was just as excited as we were. Silas was especially excited. He's been praying for another brother or sister for quite some time. His reaction was, "Wait! Is this for real?! You mean in real life you're having a baby?!? I'm freaking out right now!!!" Haha! He's since began announcing it to everyone he sees, which means church family and friends are slowly catching wind of our news. Of course, we're totally fine with that. We're horrible at keeping secrets in this family anyway!
I had my first visit with the doctor this morning, and things seem to be progressing. If my calculations
are correct, we should be holding BC#3 at the very tail end of December!
Feeling Blessed,